Crowded Teeth Braces: Causes, Problems, Treatment

by nomimentor9
Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth braces disorder is due to a lack of space in the jaws. If you also face a crowded teeth disorder and want to fix the teeth, you are at the right place. In this article, we cover the causes, treatment, and cost of dealing with crowded teeth. Let’s start!

What are Crowded Teeth?

It is a common dental disorder due to the lack of space within the jaws for all teeth to fit normally. This can cause overlapping, twisting, and pushing of teeth to the front and back.

Crowding of teeth mostly appears during childhood and worsens over time. It is mostly due to the difference between jaw size and the size of the teeth or genetic factors.

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Causes of Crowded Teeth

Several reasons can cause the crowded teeth disorder. Let’s have a look!

  • A lack of sequence between tooth size and jaw size.
  • By having extra teeth.
  • Due to several habits such as dummy-sucking and digit-sucking.
  • Early loss of baby teeth.
  • Aging
  • Undersized and oversized jaws.

Mostly crowded teeth occur in children, but it becomes worse as you get older. With age, your jaw shape gradually changes and your teeth continuously move.

This results in an increase in overlapping of teeth and your teeth become more crooked.

Dental crowding: Indices of this condition

Should you be unsure about whether your teeth are crowded or worried about your child’s teeth being misaligned, there are a few indicators you might search for to determine whether the teeth are crowded.

Dental crowding signs:

  • Pain in teeth upon biting
  • Unnatural angles of crooked teeth put in your mouth
  • Teeth running over one another Crossbite
  • too overjet
  • jaw ache
  • Problems chewing or breaking through
  • Challenge flossing and brushing.
  • Bleeding gum from flossing
  • See a licenced orthodontist for further information if you are unsure whether these symptoms point to dental crowding. They will be able to investigate closely to ascertain whether your teeth are overly crowded and what action to take in response.

Problems with Crowded Teeth

If the teeth are crowded or overlap then, you can face the following problems.

  • It increases the risks of tooth decay.
  • It can cause speech problems.
  • It can also cause gum diseases and gingivitis.
  • It creates the biting issues.
  • It can low self-esteem.

Treatments for Correcting Crowded Teeth

Many treatment options are available for treating the crowding teeth in the upper and lower arch. The ideal treatment depends on how much you want to spend on treatment and the severity of the crowding.

Children can get their treatment on the NHS if the condition is severe. On the other hand, if the crowding of teeth is normal then, you can just go to a private orthodontic treatment. There are following options for the treatment of crowded teeth in children and adults.

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Braces are the common option to treat crowded teeth. The braces effectively correct the overlapping and crowded teeth. There are many different types of braces that you can use to align the overlapping teeth.

Fixed braces

Fixed braces can be metal with gold and ceramic coating. The orthodontist fits the brackets with your teeth and connects them with the wire and elastic.

The braces apply a gentle force on the teeth to move them gradually to their exact location. The benefit of gold and ceramic coating on metal braces is their aesthetic visibility.

Lingual fixed braces are also the best option because they offer the complete invisibility of the braces and can attached to the inner surface of the teeth.

Moreover, metal braces are the only type for children that is available in the NHS. If a child wants a more discrete option then, they should go to a private orthodontist.

Invisalign braces

Invisalign is another option for crowded teeth. Invisalign treatment uses a clear plastic aligner, that has to change within 1-2 weeks to move the teeth into their exact position.

Invisalign braces can correct the front teeth crowded within a short period. Invisalign is just for minor teeth correction and orientation.

These can correct the mild orthodontic issue within 6-8 months but for fixing a huge orthodontic issue it takes up to 18-24 months.

Invisalign aligners are clear and invisible during the whole treatment. They can correct 90% of the orthodontic issue while the remaining 10% can be achieved with the help of fixed braces.


You can also maintain the crowding of the teeth with retainers. From mild to worse crowding issues, they can treat but, if you want to straighten your teeth then, you must go to your orthodontist for further suggestions to align your teeth in the correct position.


Veneers are also used to treat crowding disorder. They can treat only minor disorders but, for the severe condition, you must go for fixed teeth braces.

With veneers, the dentist removes a layer of crowding teeth and applies porcelain on the affected area. They are also unsuitable for the children.

Dental crown

You can also fit a dental crown to cover the crowded teeth. Before fitting the crown dentist removes the substantial part of the tooth and places a cap over the teeth.

It can make the teeth look straighter, but it is not always the best option because it requires the removing healthy structure of the teeth.

Dental overcrowding?

Dental crowding is the result of inadequate mouth space between teeth. This results in bent rather than straight teeth development.

Teeth should normally have enough space to develop without being overly close or far from one another. When you bite, they should line up nicely and lightly touch. Still, not everyone’s teeth grow precisely.

Commonly occurring dental crowding is the condition whereby teeth are not positioned correctly. This might result from other elements or genes. Teeth compete for space when this occurs and end up twisted.

Dentistry crowding therapy choices abound. Good orthodontic treatment is absolutely essential to solve this problem. This keeps other issues including tooth rot away.

One of the dental crowding symptoms and diagnostic is realizing your teeth do not line up or straight. Thumb sucking is one cause of dental crowding since it influences the development of teeth.

Correcting crowded teeth is a common use for braces. For front teeth straightening especially, they are quite helpful. Regarding dental crowding, several kinds of braces are on the market. Every kind has a different approach for teeth straightening.

Two good approaches for addressing this prevalent orthodontic problem are “invisalign and braces for dental crowding”. Braces’ treatment periods vary depending on the person’s need.

One must pick the appropriate course of action. This guarantees your teeth turn straight and healthy. Recall that suitable type of braces is essential to address crowding of teeth and enhancement of oral health.


Crowded teeth are a dental disorder that can be treated with different kinds of braces. So, if you are looking for the best treatment for crowding teeth. This article will help you Find the best treatment option. That you can use to fix your teeth in the correct position.

In this article, we cover the causes, problems, and treatments of crowding teeth to provide you with a complete guide about this disorder.

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