Blue Braces: How To Pick the Best Colors for Your Braces?

by nomimentor9
Blue Braces

Blue Braces: You have so chosen to straighten your teeth and hold the look and feel of your smile under your own control. Really great! First of all, let us take a moment to commend you on this choice; it is indeed a major step toward personal development and will positively impact your life in so many different spheres.

You will have some decisions to make now that you have chosen to proceed with therapy. Selecting the color you wish to adorn your braces is one of the more enjoyable choices you will make on your smile path.

After all, most patients will spend at least eighteen months wearing braces on their teeth, thus selecting the appropriate color is really significant.

Though your orthodontist can adjust the colors of your braces during each visit, often occurring every 4-6 weeks, you do not feel as though you are under pressure into a major commitment. How then exactly do braces gain their flare?

Read also: Diamond Braces: What Should You Know?

What is Blue Braces?

Orthodontic tools used to straighten teeth, blue braces have a quirky twist—they’re blue! These braces fasten the wires in place on your teeth using blue-colored bands.

Many people—especially children and teenagers—choose blue braces to enhance their oral health and provide a flash of color to their grin.

Getting blue braces works just as successfully and follows the same procedures as standard braces.

The color has no effect on the purpose; it only makes wearing braces somewhat more fun and customized. One trendy approach to get a great smile is using blue braces!

The Colors of Braces You Should Check

Imagine a mouthful of braces as nearly a machine with several pieces working simultaneously to enhance the appearance and shape of your smile.

Usually referred to as elastics, there are the brackets, archway, metal bands, and rubber-made bands surrounding each bracket. Patients can adorn their grin by means of vibrant elastics.

To hide their braces, some people may decide to utilize ceramic braces. Although they fit very well with your teeth, ceramics restrict a lot of creative creativity.

Typical steel braces not only provide a somewhat more lasting bracket but also let the patient choose the colors to adorn their mouth. Different elastic bands let you colorize your teeth in several patterns.

Get as creative with it as you would like. You won’t have to settle for only one look either since the bands are altered every visit to the orthodontist’s office. Every four to six weeks, switch your wardrobe to be seasonally appropriate all year long!

Which colors should you avoid and what are best ones?

Mostly depending on personal taste, the hue one chooses will reflect this. Most patients choose something to go with an outfit or follow their preferred hues.

Some can choose the joyful approach and rock colors that coincide with a forthcoming holiday. Although there are countless possibilities, there are a few hues that show themselves to be better friend to most grins.

Dark colors—like the deep blue of BRO’s logo—hint, hint—often make teeth seem whiter by contrast. Lighter hues, such as white or gold, can highlight the natural yellowish tinge within your enamel, therefore enhancing the appearance of your teeth.

Usually, you should steer clear of any yellow or gold unless you are repping for a school team.

Read also: Black Braces Colors: Upgrade Your Style!

Considerations for Selecting a Color

Here are some pointers to help you decide on a color that would best accentuate your smile:

Although white braces look fantastic, they can quickly fade from eating and drinking some things. They particularly prone to stains and could also cause your teeth to seem yellow in contrast.

Because of the contrast with your teeth, darker hues—like a deep purple or BRO blue—make smiles seem whiter.
Often avoided are dark green and dark brown since they could mimic food that has become lodged in your teeth.

Gold and yellow will accentuate the inherent yellow inside your enamel, so they will seem to be more tarnished than they really are.

Since everyone’s teeth are different, make sure to discuss the shade of your teeth with your doctor while choosing a color.

Colors to Create Whiter Teeth

We all know by now that dark colors are preferable when you want to make your teeth appear whiter, but what about brilliant hues like pink and red?

Although they might not directly influence the brightness of your teeth, they normally accentuate a tan, which typically makes your teeth seem more brilliant as well.

Furthermore, don’t limit yourself to matching a bruise to make your teeth look one cool tones like light blue and silver perform wonders for the apparent brightness of teeth.

Regular brushing and flossing during treatment is the greatest approach to maintain your teeth looking brilliant regardless of the color you decide upon.

Your smile will appreciate you for all the effort even though maintaining your teeth while your braces are on can be challenging and time-consuming.

Is mixed and matching possible?

Mixing and matching the bands you use during the course of your treatment will help you to maintain your colors appearing fresh and pleasing.

Choose a creative pattern to alternate the look you have for a few weeks, or color the top and bottom rows of your braces so they are complimentary but distinctive. Has a holiday become your favorite? For Christmas go red and green; for Hanukkah go blue and silver.

Given the range of colors most orthodontists now provide, the sky is really the limit regarding what you may do to accessorize your style.

Coordinating Your Facial Features and Skin Tone

Matching your skin tone and features with the colors you choose to employ can also help you guide your choice of them. Determining complementing colors is not difficult.

Colors like teal, blue, green, pink, silver and pale green look best for persons with dark hair and complexions. Dark blue, light blue, tones of green and orange are the ideal choice for people with lighter features.

About Invisalign?

What if you are looking for the most understated solution and wish not to deal with any of this? The great range of options that present to prospective patients is one of the nicest aspects of modern orthodontic treatment.

If you want to straighten your teeth but find the look of metal braces unacceptable, why not give Invisalign some thought?

Although clear aligners are used in this procedure to progressively reposition teeth over several months, there are other options available now besides this one.

Impressions apply for mild to moderate cases of orthodontic treatment. Although our own Dr. Luke Roberts created this exclusive method using the same clear plastic aligners as Invisalign, it does not call for the same number of in-office visits.

See whether you are qualified here.


Remember that, regardless of the colors you come across, during treatment the preservation and care of your oral health is as crucial. Regular brushing and flossing are advised; avoid several foods including whole apples and bone-in meat.

Contact our office to arrange a free consultation if you want to start orthodontic treatment but do not yet know which option best fits you.

Our office is ready to provide any orthodontic alternative, and our experienced team will walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of each to determine which one best fits you.

Blue Ridge Orthodontics is committed to make every smile seem and quality better, hence we eagerly await having new patients join the BRO family.

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